Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Fan Film: Powered UP!

Connor, Lara, and Master Chief take on Mario, and this time, there are no extra lives.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Sarah Kerrigan

Sarah Kerrigan (from StarCraft II) by Freia D.N.A. Raven
Photographed by Andrey Shinkarchuk


Merida (from Disney's Brave) by Tina Rybakova
Photographed by Dasha Kond

Kids: Frodo


Baby Hobbit (from The Lord of the Rings)
Source: Imgur via Reddit

Monday, December 16, 2013

Kids: Claptrap

Claptrap (from Borderlands 2)
Photographed by Dangadelha at PAX Australia

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kids: Pit

Keaden as Pit, from Kid Icarus 

Pit (from Kid Icarus) by Keaden
Photographed at AWA 2013

This is one of the most ridiculously adorable boy's costumes I've ever seen.  I seriously doubt that he's ever played the game his character is from, though.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fan Film: The OMEn Chronicles

It's been two years since the last Harry Potter movie came out, but thanks to a filmmaker named Wren Weichman, fans get to return one last time in a fan made series called "The OMEn Chronicles." The series is set in the Harry Potter Universe fifteen years after the events of J.K. Rowling’s last book.

The series doesn't feature any familiar faces the books, but fans will recognize the spells being used by the new characters, even if this time around they're said with American accents. 
"In a world filled with magic, one mysterious person tries to keep a forgotten power safe from both the Officers of OMEn and the Evil forces wanting to corrupt it."

Friday, November 15, 2013

Group: Sucker Punch

"Kill the Enemy"
Photographed by Masamune Captures

Amber cosplayed by Kathy
Blondie cosplayed by Lauren
Babydoll cosplayed by LollyMIMI

Kids: Princess Deadpool

Princess Deadpool by Hailey Boe
Photographed by Bebo

More photos of this blog's new favorite cosplay, Princess Deadpool!
We seriously need a manga series devoted to this characters.


Fionna  in chaos costume (from Adventure Time) by KaitoEinsam

Warrior Wonder Woman

"Themyscira: Returning Home"
Warrior Wonder Woman by Meagan-Marie
Photographed by Andrew Ho
"After dreaming about bringing Warrior Wonder Woman to life for years, this shoot at the Palace of Fine Arts feels like the zenith of the project. The setting was perfect, the weather beautiful, and the photographer - Andrew Ho - incredibly talented. I actually felt like an Amazon at home on Themyscira. You can read my costume construction notes for Warrior Wonder Woman here."

Matoi Ryuko

Matoi Ryuko (from Kill la Kill) by Yaduki

Fashion: Superhero Hoodies

Sorry for the tease. These aren't actually for sale. They're just concept art, but maybe, if enough of us write him about it, he'd launch a Kickstart campaign to raise the necessary licensing fees? Who knows.

Rosette Christopher

Rosette Christopher (from Chrono Crusade) by Angela Bermúdez

Kids: Princess Deadpool

Princess Deadpool by Hailey Boe
Photographed by Bebo

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the winner of Halloween 2013.
Everyone else may now go home.
"Hailey made an addition to her costume, glasses. Her dad wears glasses and she told me that she wants to be just like her daddy.

We had a great night and she trick or treated until I dropped. Her candy haul was more than enough candy for a three year old.

To top it off, instead of saying “trick or treat” she constantly yelled “Chimichanga!” In suburbia, nobody has any idea what dead pool is until a little girl comes knocking at their door and has to explain it to them, “He’s kind of like Spider-Man except usually he just laughs at Spider-Man because he is silly!”"


Skywardsword Link by Figgarow
Photographed by Tenikime
"This is infact Skywardsword Link on a horse. Yes. We are aware of the fact that there are no horses in this game but we still wanted to do this, as some sort of “5 years after they defeated Demise they found horsies” or something."

Kids: Thor

Twirling is her favorite part.

Tiny Princess Captain America finally outgrew her dress, so this Halloween, it was time for her long-promised Tiny Princess Thor! I think she might like this one better…it has a sparkly cape, after all. Also a hammer. (“What do you hit with the hammer at daycare, Tiny Princess Thor?” “*pause* I don’t know.” “Nothing! You hit nothing with the hammer!”) (She did not, in fact, hit anything with the hammer at daycare. Though she did cry when they had the kids change out of their costumes after their Halloween party, because she wanted to keep wearing her dress.) Tiny Princess Thor made by Bright Copper PennyHow to Make a Tiny Princess Superhero Dress.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Kara Thrace

 photo 31.jpg

Kara Thrace (from BattleStar Galactica) by Savannah

This kid is an amazing cosplayer.  You absolutely must check out here site.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kids: Luke Skywalker

Dad/costume creator Paco Allen spoke to Make about how he made this Luke Skywalker costume for his 4-year-old daughter. The clothes themselves look pretty simple. The Tauntaun, not so much. Via: Neatorama

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fan Film: Cursed Edge

"Based upon the movie Dredd (2012) comes a web series, This is a fan made project made by the love of all Judge Dredd fans! There are 6 episodes in total for the first series named Case File #1 We hope you enjoy and continue to support us and get our project noticed!"

Kids: Lilo

Lilo (from Lilo and Stitch)
Photographed by Ana

"We made a DIY Lilo costume for my niece and I’d thought I’d just share the adorableness."

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Video: Katie Ash as Gaige

"It's PAX Prime 2013! In this Cosplay Confidential we follow Katie Ash as she prepares her Gaige (Borderlands 2) cosplay for PAX, and tells us the impact cosplay has had on her life."

Video: Hidden Blade

"Every other Monday, master swordsmith Tony Swatton forges your favorite weapons from video games, movies, and television. This week, he tackles the hidden blade from Assassin's Creed in time for the new release of Assassin's Creed 4."

Props: Hocus Pocus Spell Book

Holly Conrad of Crabcat Industries (as well as from Syfy’s Heroes of Cosplay) created a replica of Winifred Sanderson’s book from Hocus Pocus for a friend’s wedding. And I want it so bad. She sculpted, cast, and painted it while Hilary Grimes bound it into an actual book.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Chris Hardwick (The Talking Dead) and Chloe Dykstra star in this funny Bioshock Infinite fan-made short called "Booker, Catch!" He was wearing this outfit during a few panels at Comic-Con this year. I've also seen him wearing it in a couple of other videos, so I'm wondering if he was just really busy shooting this stuff while he was in San Diego.
"Making his way through the floating city of Columbia, Booker DeWitt is a man on a mission! Luckily his ever helpful companion, Elizabeth, is always around to keep him stocked up on supplies, even if she might get a little overzealous with her throwing. Booker, Catch!"

Fan Film: Call of Duty: Final Hour

This short was directed by Jared Pelletier. It's set in World War II, and it packs an emotional punch. The story centers on a group of soldiers in a firefight on the battlefield, and things get intense for them.

Video: Lord of the Rings In Real Life

As a part of Improv Everywhere‘s silly Movies In Real Life series, the New York City based improv art group brought Lord of the Rings to Central Park’s iconic Bow Bridge. Well, just Gandolf saying his famous line, “You shall not pass,” but New Yorkers seemed to enjoy the gag none the less.
"For our latest mission we recreated the famous "You shall not pass!" scene from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, placing Gandalf the Grey on Central Park's iconic Bow Bridge. Rather than facing off against a Balrog as he did on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, this time Gandalf faced an even more daunting foe, Central Park tourists. The tourists proved to be too powerful for Gandalf, as nearly every one was able to successfully pass."

Kids: Cardboard Knights


Cardboard Knights
"Images from our Cardboard Wars event with Locws International, alongside our new piece for Art in the City.  Folder of images from the event here."