Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Skull Kid

Skull Kid from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Sith Armor

Sith Armor by Robert Rodgers aka MyWickedArmor
Taken at Star Wars Celebration V

Friday, May 27, 2011

Link Crossplay

Geek 1: Where did you get the sword and shield?
Geek 2: Some redhead dressed like Link came over, took off all her clothes, and said I could have whatever I see.
Geek 1: Good choice, the clothes probably wouldn’t fit.

Aria T’Loak (Mass Effect)

Yond as Aria T'Loak from Mass Effect 2. Aria T'Loak was one of my fav characters of Mass Effect 2 . She's Omega after all. It was my first expirience with liquid latex. I'm quite proud of the results.It could be better but first time is a first time...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Garrus Vakarian

Garrus Vakarian (from Mass Effect) by Chris Myles
I hand carved the scars and then spray painted the whole thing. I airbrushed in the scars, details and shadows and hand painted on the "war paint." Visor made of craft foam and a hand cut/heat bent PET strip and 2 LEDs with super glued on Objet(Eden 350) icons.

Made from armature wire/mesh, upholstery foam, plaster, and fiber glass resin.

Since this was my first attempt at armor, I tried a hand full of different methods on each section of armor. Method that worked the best was an under form of mesh/armiture with streched foam on top. Mix (1:1ish) Modge Podge with flexable Joint Compound to make thick MP and coat foam. Light sanding, paint and distress to finish. Armor looks hard but is still kinda foamy. For really flexable armor just use foam coated with flexable glue. Light sanding, paint, yada-yada...

Lighting system has 5 channels with 8 modes (no fancy micro controllers, just a hacked LED christmas light set). 59 (49 blue and 10 for the UV face lighting) LEDs in the armor (Hooray 19 hours of wiring/soldering!)

Check out Ammnra's "How I Did It" Costume Video, his Cosplay.com gallery, and his Flickr gallery.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Moscow Zombie Parade

On the 13th of May people in zombie costumes arranged a parade in the Moscow street Arbat, a lovely place for a fleshmob.

Source: Bender via English Russia

Mind-controlled Cat Ears

Designed by Japanese company Neurowear, the Necromimi, reacts to brain waves to express your emotions. Basically, you can control the movement of the ears with your mind.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Gallery: DC Steampunk

This costume is inspired by the DC one-shot Gotham by Gaslight,
in which Batman goes head to head with Jack the Ripper.

Art Project: Foreign Workers - Singapore

"Foreign Workers - Singapore" by Brendan Fitzpatrick

A series dedicated to the vast and anonymous army of transient workers who maintain Singapore’s services and infrastructure.  See the rest of this fantastic collection at the Behance Network.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011


Taken at MegaCon 2010 in Orlando, Florida

Kids: Supergirl

Abby A. as Supergirl on Kids Day at the 2009 New York Comic Con


Via: Flickr
Taken at San Diego Comic Con 2010

Kids: Kitty Pryde

Catherine G. as Little Kitty Pryde on Kids Day at New York Comic Con. One commenter notes that the character was actually called "Sprite" when she used this costume. I love the obscure choice.

Robin Crossplay

Via: DeviantArt

The tights were made with a simple tights pattern, and for the gloves I traced my hands and left a little seam allowance and sewed them together. It's spandex so it stretches, but I made them a wee small so it's a tight fit. The dress part was draped on a dress form and tailored down to fit me. So I can't be of much help on that. The details are heat and bonded on. The cape is basically a big triangle, that is folded in half and at the top of the triangle is the neck whole where I added a collar that stays pinned together. The belt is just a long piece of foam with yellow spandex wrapped around it and a circle foam piece with spandex covering it glued on top. The mask is just craft foam and elastic, with a piece of thing white fabric glued over the eye wholes.

Joker Crossplay

Photo by Captain-Pan
Via: DeviantArt

My Joker Girl outfit. Wore this to Otakon 2010.