Sunday, October 31, 2010
Kids: Cute Kid's Costumes
Source: CostumePop
Lest we forget that Halloween isn't all lusty superheroines and slutty nurses, here is a gallery of little trick-or-treaters who put the Awwww... in awesome.
Link Round-Up: October 26, 2010
Source: chewie2008~
It's also the place for neat internet discoveries like Ray Villafane's insanely detailed pumpkin carvings. I was going to dedicate some time to pumpkin carving before this weekend, but really, what's the point. Someone's just going to do it a billion times better than you.
link round-up,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Sexy Venom
This Reddit user decided to share the results of her attempt to save some money by buying her costume in a kid's size. (On sale at Target for $17!) In order to fit into it, she had to cut the one piece leotard in half at the waist, creating a drool-inducing effect. Her boyfriend did the same, though the results were far less flattering. Thank God for the recession. Let's hope this trend catches on.
Cosplay Model: UtaArashi
UtaArashi has posted some amazing shots of herself in some fantastic costumes, including BatGirl, Black Canary, and Wonder Girl. She's doesn't seem to be a professional model, but the photos are obviously taken by people who know what they're doing and her costumes rival anything I've ever seen at a Con. Make sure to check out her Deviant Art gallery.
The Fifth Element
Where in God's name do the parties in photos like this take place? Somewhere out there, there's a fraternity house with an incredibly disproportionate number of slut-ily costumed girls being photographed. Sadly, I have no idea what the original source of this photo is. It's been floating around Tumblr for so long, this girl probably has kids of her own. Not only depressing, but also a very strong argument for producing more movies featuring women in tape-strip costumes.
fifth element,
Friday, October 29, 2010
Batman Minifig
Alright, some years, it feels like every other guy on the streets is wearing a Batman costume on Halloween night, but it takes some creativity to take it to the next level like this. I'd never have thought of it.
These photos were taken at the "Market of the Living Dead" event in Boston last year, right after the LEGO Batman video game was released.
Kids: RoboCop
Sweet Juniper constructed a homemade RoboCop costume for his son out of empty plastic containers and a bike helmet, and took him for a walk around Detroit. Of course, if I had walked up to a couple of Detroit cops in a RoboCop get-up, I'd have been tased in a heartbeat. [Via]
Link Round-Up: October 28, 2010
Zombie StormTrooper originally posted to Registered Trademark
22 Amazing Halloween Costumes From the 80s
Blastr has posted a gallery of 15 terrifically terrifying horror T-shirts for Halloween
Comic Alliance has a tutorial on How to Make a Scott Pilgrim Halloween Costume
link round-up,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Gallery: Toronto Zombie Walk 2010
Every year, on the weekend before Halloween, hundreds of people turn out for the annual Toronto Zombie Walk. By all account, the events has exploded in popularity over the last eight years.
As you can imagine, photos of the event flood the net in the days following the event. This year, Christopher Brian, DeadRobot, and James D have posted particularly awesome of Flickr galleries of the Walk. These Flickr sets include thousands of photos, but I've posted a few of my favorites below. Not everyone who showed up was dressed as you run-of-the-mill zombie, either. There were a lot of creative costumes, like the Zombie Dorthy, Zombie Geisha, Zombie Smurfs, and Zombie Spock.
Judging by the photos, people really get into the spirit of the thing. The shot above is just about the best amateur zombie make-up job I've ever seen. She looks like one of the vampires from 30 Days of Night.
Link Round-Up: October 25, 2010
X-23 from X-Men by Kristen Shalbinski (MTV News)
10 Completely Insane Super-Hero Halloween Costumes... For Your Dog
Cosplaygate brings you the finest in inexplicable costumes narrowly evading trademark issues, as well as Japanese-style fetish and cosplay wear (mostly SFW, actually). A banner promises "100% Off-World Shipping," while a live-chat bar reads "Need help? Jelly is online to help you."
The Most Inappropriate Halloween Costumes Of All Time
MTV has compiled a gallery of photos from New York Comic Con 2010
Top Ten Haunted Houses, Just In Time For A Good Scare
haunted house,
link round-up,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Seras Victoria from HellSing
From Anna Fischer
I saw this a few times before I realized who the costume was supposed to be. The uniform is usually blue. Still, I'm not complaining. It looks fantastic. Check out the rest of Anna Fischer's Photostream.
From Anna Fischer
I saw this a few times before I realized who the costume was supposed to be. The uniform is usually blue. Still, I'm not complaining. It looks fantastic. Check out the rest of Anna Fischer's Photostream.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Video: X-Men Getting Funky
G4's Fresh Ink caught a group of X-Men cosplayers bustingsome moves at the Marvel Booth last week during the New York Comic-Con. It started like any other convention photo op, until Bishop rolled up with his giant "boom" box. Soon Emma Frost and Magneto were dancing and Iceman was rapping. Even Professor Xavier got into the act. Check out the hilarious video below.
Iron Man Dancers
Iron Man Dancers by Anna Fischer from Dragoncon
Honestly, these girls could give the Leia mash pit a run for their title as the sexxiest con attraction. I mean, not only are they sexxy, but they're also shinny! How can you beat that?
Tattoos: Princess Peach as Virgin Mary
This is what happens when religion and gaming collide. MRC writes "Guy in front of me in the line had this AWESOME tattoo on his arm. When I saw this, I HAD to take a picture of it. THIS is dedication. Best tattoo ever or bestest tattoo ever?" That is one seriously hardcore gamer.
Source: MRC's Random Junk
Here's an absolutely amazing gallery of professional shots of Big Daddy and Little Sister from Bioshock from Dim Horizon Studio. It makes me wish they'd make this game into a live-action movie they way they did with Silent Hill. I think it would be brilliant.
video games
Link Round-Up: October 21, 2010
Rockwell Spiderman by Luke Radi [Deviant Art]
20 Freaky and Scary Halloween Masks
Attention Deficit Delirium has posted photos taken Deep Inside New York Comic Con
Hello Kitty, Teen Wolf & More: The Funniest Halloween Costumes For Pets!
How To Make Your Own Stormtrooper Helmet
Stan Lee Poses With Cosplayers Senior Picture Style at DragonCon
The Weirdest (And Most Adorable) Halloween Costumes For Kids!
link round-up,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
This excellent Huntress cosplay photo comes from Deviant Art user Dangerous Ladies, who has an amazing cosplay gallery. The costume is hers, but the bike isn't, which is too bad, as she'd look completely badass riding around in that cape.
If you're intestested in seeing more Huntress cosplay, surf on over to Allicia1's gallery.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Video: Gender Transformation
Alright, this one may not be "Geeky" per se, but it is amazing. In just six time-lapsed minutes this girl transformers herself into a very convincing dude. In particular, she's supposed to be Jared Leto, who is the lead singer of Nine Inch Nails (according to Wikipedia).
Personally, I think that she looks enough like Famke Janssen that she should have gone with a Jean Grey outfit, buuut it's just such opinions that are the reason girls like this avoid me like the plague.
video games
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Steampunk Iron Man

Steampunk Iron Man is the winner of the Marvel Costume Contest at the New York Comic Con 2010. Unfortunately, there isn't much more information available about who's wearing the costume, how the costume was made, or who designed the thing. So, for now, we’ll just have to enjoy gawking at it.
Photo Source: Judy Stephens
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tutorial: Where the Wild Things Are Mask
Check out this great tutorial from Spin Off Stuff for making a monster mask inspired by the classic children's story Where the Wild Things Are out of a paper plate and yarn.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Link Round-Up: October 9, 2010
American McGee is holding a Alice in Wonderland costume contest
Get your own Star Wars Jedi Bath Robe
Maybe they aren't costumes, per se, but they're still hot. Check out this gallery of Beautiful Female Military Around the World
New York Comic Con sums up its policy on weapons with one sentence in its final paragraph: "Basically, don't be an idiot."
Where the Wild Ones Are Costumes
link round-up
Friday, October 8, 2010
Tattoos: CERN Bubble Chamber

CERN Bubble Chamber Tattoo by Lofidelity
This Bubble chamber tattoo may be my all-time favorite science tat. It's just freaking obscure. Of course, this guy was probably sick of explaining what his tattoo meant about a week out of the chair, but that doesn't make it any less fun to look at.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tattoos: Mandelbrot Set girl
Here's a a photo of a girl sporting a Mandelbrot set tattooed across her back I found at The amazing part is that all she gave the artist was a piece of paper with z = z^2 + c on it.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Disney Mysterious Masquerade Parade
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Flickr user Dlovesfuni2 snapped some excellent shots of Disney's Mysterious Masquerade Halloween Show at Tokyo Disney. It looks like a lot of fun for the kids, but Halloween just isn't the same in the south. That crisp snap in the air and the fear of frostbite is all part and parcel of the Halloween spirit. Of course, that may just be the bias of my Michigan upbringing talking. It certainly doesn't mean we can't enjoy these photos.
Halloween is Near!
Halloween is nearly here! This is my favorite time of year, as you might well guess from the fact that I run a cosplay blog. In celebration of the season, I'll be kicking this blog into high gear over the course of the next week.
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