Isaac Clarke (from Dead Space 3) by Tarrer
Photographed by KureruKreatis at Japan Expo 2012
"This picture's so cool. I'm just sad my collar had practically melted by that point! Well, it didn't actually MELT, but it was made of foam and the heat from being in good ol' Texas humidity all day had it slumping by the time these photos came around-- the collar will be the first thing I'm going to fix on this costume!
My beautiful Card Guard minions were made by Pockyfairy for our skit, and she did such an amazing job!! Believe it or not, little kids absolutely LOVED being chased by those charming fellows."
"Photos of my Karliah cosplay from Skyrim in the PCC Masquerade! I won 1st place in the gaming category!"
So this is a special year ending video I did. It composes of all the great cosplay I’ve seen / taken photos / taken videos of this year (2011). This reflects MY OWN opinion alone so you can all hang me to death if you think that my list isn’t that good.
"Medusa Mask that I created for Kambriel for the Masquerade Ball here in Portland a couple of years ago. She also has a tumblr site here. The most beautiful costumes you will see. I also did one for her husband (but I will post that one later)."