Friday, May 16, 2014

Video: Animuc 14

Kids: Mikasa Ackerman

Mikasa Ackerman (from Attack on Titan)
Photographed by MO Photography
Source: Miho Orion Cosplay Photography

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Video: Aaron Forrester

Video: Anime Matsuri 2014

Kids: Merida

Disney Brave Merida dress (via Lady Herndon on etsy)

Merida (from Brave)
Photographed by Laura Carroll
Source: Sarah Herndon's Etsy Shop

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Video: Cosplay in America

Video: Cosplay in America

Kids: Squirrel Girl

Kids Squirrel Girl cosplay (via NoshWithMe via HuffingtonPost by hipnerd​)

Squirrel Girl by Anya Rose
Photographed by Patti Marcotte
Source: Huffington Post

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Video: MTAC in Love 2014

Video: Homestuck Cosplay Party

Kids: Joan of Arc

"Everything I have said or done is in the hands of God. I commit myself to Him! I certify to you that I would do or say nothing against the Christian faith." - Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc by Alice Lewis
Photographed by Kelly Is Nice Photography
"While most of our research was done through books we checked out a few movies for Alice to watch and learn about the battles and time period. The Messenger with Milla Jovovich was the closest we found to actual events but the spiritual parts were pretty dark and weird. Of course, Alice liked it a lot and it’s her new favorite movie. Joan of Arc with Leelee Sobieski is not even remotely accurate and ridiculously long and honestly maybe the worst movie I’ve ever seen and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy and every time you come across it you should kill it with fire just so that it would be a slightly more accurate representation of Joan’s life."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Video: Jumping Through the Looking Glass

Music: Gotham Sirens

CMV (Cosplay Music Video) based on The Pierces' music video "Boring", with Batman female characters Catwoman, Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn (Gotham City Sirens).

Video: AwesomeCon 14' Con-umentry

Video: Youmacon 2013

Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel by Jenifer Ann
Photo by David Love

Black Widow

Black Widow cosplay by Genevieve Marie

Black Widow cosplay by Genevieve Marie
Photographed by Estrada Photography

Fresh Take: Wonder Woman


Domino (from X-Men) by Black Cat
Photographed by E Photography


Loki (from The Avengers) by The Shattered Silhouette


Psylocke (from X-Men) by Jenifer Ann
Photographed by Insane Pencil


Chell (from Portal 2) by AngelaBermudez
Photographed at the I-Con 2013 in Panama City

Mash-Up: Pika-Thor

Pika-Thorby Cosmic-Empress

Kids: Skull Kid

Cosplay: Skull Kid by mthows1

Skull Kid (from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) by Kraaku
Photographed by Mthows1 at Kitacon Invasion in Birmingham, UK

Friday, May 9, 2014


In the end I’m there for all of them by Remembrancer19

Photographed by Iconotlproductions

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime - War for CybertonCosplayer

Optimus Prime (from War for Cyberton) by Old Trenchy
Photographed by Lucinda Cawrse


Psylocke (from X-Men) by Jenifer Ann
Photographed by David Love

Fresh Take: Warrior Princess Ariel

Photographed by Undying Magic Photography

The Little Mermaid inside the DC Universe.  She could totally kick Aquaman's ass.

Black Bat

Photographed by  2331 Image Works

Crossplay: The Comedian

The Comedian (from The Watchmen) by Dani Nyan Nyan from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Silk Spectre

Silk Spectre (from Watchmen) by Hannuki

Mash-Up: Rapunzel / Princess Leia

Photographed by Manny Llanura Photography

Kids: Frodo Baggins

Frodo Baggins (from The Lord of the Rings)
Photographed by Redditor Larkham

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Video: Steampunk Batman

Nerd Caliber was on the scene at the recent Anime Boston 2014 when they came upon this guy. So cool. Make sure to watch until the end, when Batman activates his wings.

Padmé Amidala

Padmé Amidala

Padmé Amidala (from Star Wars: Episode I) by Mana_Hime
Photographed by Alena Vlasova


Svetlana Quindt

Norn (from Groundwork 2) by Svetlana Quindt (Kamui)
Photographed at WonderCon Anaheim 2014

Rule63: Hellboy

Hellgirl (Rule63: Hellboy) by Alexandra
Photographed by S. Rain Lawrence

I think this is one of the best genderbent character cosplays I've seen.  At least, the costume makes me wish that this was an actual comic.  I think Hellboy would be a more interesting character with a sort of River Song-like personality. 

Gaige the Mechromancer

Gaige the Mechromancer (from Borderlands 2) by NA0I
Photographed by itsl0ki  at Connichi 2013 in Germany

Ellie and Joel

Ellie and Joel (from The Last of Us) by Nerdbutpro


Ellie (from The Last of Us) by NerdbutPro

Booker DeWitt

Booker DeWitt (from BioShock) by Zacloudseth
Photographed by Obscura Vista at Otakon

Rule 63: Big Sister

Big Sister (from BioShock 2) by Malinda Mathis
Photographed by Dewey

Not all Rule 63 cosplay has to sexy.  Sometime it's refreshing to come across a bit of Rule 63 that's even more terrifying than the original.

Make-Up: Female Titan

Fashion: Tron Prom Dress

photo by dr_teng

Tron Prom Dress by Victoria Schmidt
Photographed by dr_teng and  LJinto

Programmed by Jinyo with some savvy hacking skills and el wire, Victoria aka Scruffy Rebel rocked this Tron Dress at San Diego Comic-Con ‘11… for the Users!

Family: DC Steampunk

Steampunk DC by George Fairbairn

"Part of a longer. bigger personal project.  These are some amazing steampunk DC character cosplay people.  My bigger picture plan is a whole series of different cosplay, but the difference is going to be the "off duty" portion.  Keep your eyes peeled for that when it comes."

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Video: Cutting Batarangs

Video: Super Mario Bros Parkour

Video: Amazing Spider-Man Parkour

To celebrate last weekend's release of The Amazing Spiderman 2, stuntman Ronnie Street Stunts donned a Spiderman costume and hit the streets to perform parkour stunts.  Of course, this isn't Shalvis’ first rodeo. He’s suited up as Altair from the Assassin’s Creed video game series  a number of times as part of a series of parkour tutorial videos and even decked the halls as Santa.

Below is a video showing how all of these stunts were created, a making of video that is almost as impressive as the parkour, give the crew's used of remote control drone cameras.

Video: London Super Comic Con 2014


Megatron cosplay by Double Back Stitch Arts

Megatron (from Transformers) by Double Back Stitch Arts
Photographed at at Kitsune Kon 2011

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime by Old Trenchy

Optimus Prime (from Transformers)
Photographed by Old Trenchy


Red Ironette by Lexi Farron Strife
Blue Ironette by Lily on the Moon
Photographed by Nakana Focus

Kitty Cat Katarina

Kitty Cat Katarina (from League Of Legends) by Danielle Beaulieu
Photographed by Orange Mochi Photography, Xen Photography, and Stephane Laroche.


Got any more? by AgosAshford

Terra (from Teen Titans) by AgosAshford

Black Widow

Black Widow (from The Avengers) by Jusz Cosplay

The Norn

The Norn (from Guild Wars 2) by Andraia63
Photographed by Michael Clancey of WeNeals Photography

Rule 63: Wicket


Wicket (from Return of the Jedi) By Rokusanu

Parents: Joel and Ellie

Joel and Ellie (from The Last of Us)
Photographed at Wondercon 2014
Source: Imgur via Reddit

Link Round-Up: May 7, 2014

"Death Star Gown"
Source: The 501st Badlands Garrison

Interview: Lunaladyoflight On Costuming And The Role Of Popularity

Cosplay So Amazing It Doesn't Even Need Clothes

GEEKDOM: Cosplay grown into a mainstream hobby

Have you heard the kerfluffle surrounding Cherry City Comic Con? Basically an attendee asked for a refund because of the con’s sexist attitude toward cosplay, after which the con’s director, Mark Martin, mocked her on Facebook, both under his account and using a sockpuppet. Professionalism at its finest! We have links.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Link Round-Up: April 7, 2014

DC Women Kicking Ass takes a look at Wonder Woman’s new costume in the upcoming Justice League War animated film and how similar it is to a bit of fan art.

Harry Potter fashion line sexes up Hogwarts with lycra

How to Compliment a Cosplayer (Without Insulting Everyone Else)

How to Dress Like The Doctor

SDCC 2013: The Proposals

Radical Custom Spider-Man Motorcycle Helmets

Star Wars Rancor Plush Toy

To help foster a safe space for cosplayers, Ottawa Comiccon will be hosting their first-ever anti-harassment workshops.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Cosplay: X-23
Model/Cosplayer: Izy K. Cheung
Photo/Editing: David MacKenzie

X-23 by Izy K. Cheung
Photographed by David MacKenzie


Rogue (from X-Men: The Animated Series) by Justyną Jakubik
 Photographed by Natalia Zahora
Costume by thelittlestbat

Kids: Princess Captain Marvel

Costume created by Suckers

Monday, February 17, 2014

Video: X-Cats

All things considered, I think that we can all agree that it's a good thing cats don't have mutant powers, cuz we'd all be dead in short order.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Video: Justice League Valentine's Day

Video: Justice League Valentines

It’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air at the Justice League…or maybe that’s just the magic cookies talking. Join Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Power Girl and more as they shake things up at a super sexy Valentine’s mixer.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kids: Korra and Momo

Korra and Momo (from Avatar: The Legend of Korra)
"These are the children of a friend of a friend’s friend, an obviously stupendous parent named Ana, who made the Korra costume. I’m not sure where she got the Momo costume, but it is equally and ridiculously fantastic. I love Halloween. Thanks Awesome Family for sharing."

Monday, February 10, 2014

Fan Film: Star Trek Continues

The fan-made web series Star Trek Continues, directed by Vic Mignogna, picks up of story of the crew of the Enterprise immediately after the end of the original series.  The cast does an admirable job capturing the spirit of the original series and an even better job emulating the look of the series. It's a jarring reminder of just how far consumer-grade technology has come when hobbyists can re-create the experience of what was a cutting-edge network series this well.

This episode, "Pilgrim of Eternity," was written by Mignogna, Steve Frattarola, and Jack Treviño, and follows up the original Star Trek episode "Who Mourns for Adonais?" In fact, Michael Forest reprises his original series role as Apollo. And there are a few more surprises in this episode, including a very special guest star. Also, be sure to listen closely to the ship's computer.

Fan Film: Flight From Shadow

Epic Level TV has posted a making-of documentary going into the story behind the creation of “Flight From Shadow,” a Wheel of Time short film created by fans of the epic fantasy series.  The whole project makes me wonder how this series has gone so long without some form of screen adaptation.
"WHEEL OF TIME fan movie "Flight From Shadow" chronicles the events in the "Four Kings in Shadow" chapter from The Eye of the World, the first book of Robert Jordan's bestselling series.

After narrowly escaping an ambush in the town of Whitebridge and walking for days on the Caemlyn Road, Rand al'Thor and his companion Matrim Cauthon seek rest and shelter in the Dancing Cart-Man Inn at the village of Four Kings. After bargaining for one night's room and board with Saml Hake, the duo soon discover that the servants of the Great Lord of the Dark are hot on their heels. Deceived by Hake and his henchmen, Rand and Mat find themselves trapped in a storeroom, forced to use the forbidden energy of the One Power for their very survival."

Fan Film: Girl of Steel

Here's a fantastic fan film that frames the story of Supergirl with the dignity that's so often been absent from her franchise.  Read an interview with the film's star at Comic Book and Movie Reviews.
"Girl of Steel is a conceptual fan film based on DC Universe/Comics heroine, Supergirl. We wanted to produce a short story that empowers female role models. The Girl of Steel isn't just a superhero, but a freedom fighter inherited in all young women."

Fan Film: A Tale of Benjen Stark

"A Tale of Benjen Stark" A Game of Thrones fanfiction by The VonWong

While we wait for the fourth season of Game of Thrones to be released, here's an awesome fan-made short film for you to check out. The short is incredibly well done.  This is the first of a two part film.
"On a scouting mission shortly after his return to the wall, Benjen Stark stumbles upon the bloody aftermath of an attack on a wildling camp. A pair of survivors are discovered as Ben attempts to unravel the mystery behind the carnage."


Bofur (from The Hobbit) by Toki
Photographed at DragonCon 2013