Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kids: Doctor Who

Eleven vs The Dalek
Photos by Ryan Dewalt

Ryan and wife attended a Con in Los Angeles with their daughter Valentine dressed as the 11th and 5th Doctor. You can read the entire account of their trip on his Live Journal.

"The ONE time I had just my cellphone on me, THIS epic picture happened. The Dalek rolled up to her and said "DOCTOR DETECTED!" (This one had a guy inside who could steer it and move evrything. The guy inside had a ring modulator inside to do the Dalek voice, so he could Ad-Lib.)

The crowd parted, backing away, Candy stepped back a few feet. Val stood there, staring UP at this huge thing. (when you are two feet tall, a nearly six foot tall dalek is GIGANTIC). She had this look of utter "oh fuck." on her face. "Wait.. I know this one... I'm supposed to defeat /THAT/ ??" The Dalek said "I WILL BE BACK TO EXTERMINATE YOU IN TWENTY YEARS" and rolled off."

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