Sunday, April 7, 2013

Slave Leia

Nicole Malgarini Slave Leia at ComicCon

Candy Keane, Christy Marie, and Nicole Malgarini

Slave Leias at ComicCon on Spike TV

Slave Leias at ComicCon with Nicole Malgarini

Nicole Malgarini and Candy Keane Slave Leias at ComicCon

Three Slave Leias at ComicCon

Slave Leias at ComicCon

Candy Keane Slave Leia

Slave Leia with long chain

Candy Keane Slave Leia

Slave Leia's attack

Candy Keane Slave leia with jabba

Slave Leia group at ComicCon

Candy Keane Slave Leia with Jabba the Hut

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it's me! I haven't worn this outfit in years, but I still cosplay from time to time. I have a blog now at :)
