Is there even such a thing as a real life girl too into cosplay? Still, I love how they portray the girl's decent into more and more eccentric costumes. Slave Leia, Leia, Elektra, Manga Girl, Larp Barbarian, Furry... that really ought to be the universal standard crazy-to-hot ratio scale. I highly approve.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Cosplay With My Heart (Bruno Mars)
Is there even such a thing as a real life girl too into cosplay? Still, I love how they portray the girl's decent into more and more eccentric costumes. Slave Leia, Leia, Elektra, Manga Girl, Larp Barbarian, Furry... that really ought to be the universal standard crazy-to-hot ratio scale. I highly approve.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Kids: Cephalopod Cap
Source: TwitPic
There's just no way to overstate how unimpressed this kid with her new hat.
I swear, this is the exact expression my dog give me when I throw a stick.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Tattoo: Monty Python
Source: Photobucket via Tumblr
I don't know, maybe just tradition, but Monty Python and the Holy Grail has always been my go-to holiday movie. Something about it just makes me feel like a kid again..
Friday, November 26, 2010
Gallery: Unusual Harry Potter Tattoos
Source: FuckYeahTattoos
Image adapted from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling, quote from Shakespeare’s The Tempest.
harry potter,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Gallery: Hogwarts House Tattoos
Source: RyanDarling
I cannot think of anything besides Harry Potter that I have been obsessed with for over a decade. Which is why I chose the Hogwarts Crest for my first tattoo. This is for all those who have been with Harry from start to finish!
harry potter,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tattoos: Legend of Zelda
Source: J.Ann's MobileMe Gallery
I know I've been posting a lot of tattoo's lately, but I had to add this one. Her expression in this photo is just priceless. I don't think I've ever seen anyone this pumped up about a new tattoo. She looks like a two year old who has just discovered the joys of stomping on ant hills.
There's a whole gallery of the tattoo experience, complete with close-ups.
legend of zelda,
Gallery: Harry Potter Quote Tattoos
Source: StephanieMorris
"This is my Harry Potter tattoo of Fawkes the phoenix; I appreciate the symbolism that the actual creature has about life and rebirth. The quote is from Dumbledore in the 7th book, “Of course is it happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”. The quote encompasses everything I believe about the series and it applies to many things in my life, as well.
Piece by Jon Reed from True Blue Tattoo in Austin, Texas."
harry potter,
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Pets: Harry Pawter
Source: Spamminginprogress
Alright guys, I get that everyone's super excited about the latest Harry Potter, but do the poor dogs really have to suffer?
harry potter,
Gallery: Deathly Hallows Tattoos
Source: Jeremy Brewer via Show Off Your Harry Potter Tattoos
I just got this lat night at Immortal Canvas in Hamilton, Oh. Great place and the artist was amazing! I couldn't be happier.
harry potter,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Gallery: Harry Potter Tattoos
Source: Miss Emily Claire via Jess Versus
Another Harry Potter tattoo! These are on my friend Emily, the winged key is a tattoo that I did on her back in May. It’s almost done; we have a little bit of purple shading left to go.
harry potter,
Friday, November 19, 2010
Gallery: Dark Mark Tattoos
Source: Ohhh Yess.
The Dark Mark. Harry Potter was my first love & my reason for getting so into literature.
harry potter,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Group: Slave Leia Harem
Source: Hollywood Tuna
slave leia,
star wars
Friday, November 12, 2010
Kids: Edward Scissorhands
Source: WynterMynt
This kid's costume must have taken forever to create, but it kicks some serious ass. He should win a prize or something.
Edward Scissorhands,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Artwork: Supergirl
Wow. Someone needs to reproduce a this with a photo model.
Edit: Sorry, I evidently didn't dig deep enough for the source on this one.
Error corrected.
Error corrected.
This is the first person I've ever seen successfully pull off a Namora costume. It's just too hard to pull off a one-piece bathing suit style costume when there's so little else to it. The Mocking Nerd pulls it off nicely, though. The bottom photo (below) looks like a panel straight out of a comic.
She does a mean Ms. Marvel, too. Make certain to check out her Flickr photostream.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Kids: Where the Wild Things Are
Source: Lizette Greco
Read the how-to article at the Small Magazine blog to learn how to make your own adorable little monster costume.
where the wild things are
Monday, November 8, 2010
Quorra fromTron Legacy
Syuzi writes: "The costume is made from faux leather and EL Film strips. The luminescent panels are removable, velcored onto the leather vest in order to make the top washable. To be frank, the cutting and re-soldering the EL film was quite tricky to work with but I think I managed to the tame the beast with the help of conductive fabric tape. I will write up a tutorial on how to work with the EL film in the next three weeks for those folks who are interested. Meanwhile... here are the rest of the pics."
Check out the rest of the gallery at her blog, Fashioning Technology.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Couples: Tetris Blocks
Glen Murphy writes: These took about five hours to make, and used about $57 worth of stuff from an office supply store, including the scissors. The best part was having to try on boxes in the store, to the bemusement of those around us.
They were a bit hot and bulky in use, and it was super hard to hear anyone. If it was to be done again, I'd recommend cutting ear-holes in them, or at least making the face areas more open.
We also didn't count on how much Tetris we'd have to play to get these to fit in the car.
video games
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Death Eaters at Grand Central Station
This random cosplay outbreak was so dorky, even onlookers couldn't manage to get laid for a week!
Source: io9 via Topless Robot
harry potter,
Tutorial: Halloween Zombie Stomach Rip
You know that epic shot in every great zombie movie where they rip someones intestines out? Well, IndyMogul has the $40 solution for you in this video!
8bit Retro-Gaming Geek
This awesome 8bit Retro-Gaming Halloween Costume was created by blogger and illustrator Dan Liuzzi. It consists of an 8-bit tie from ThinkGeek and a homemade 8-bit mask of his own head. Make certain to check out the rest of the gallery at his Liuzzi's blog.
Link Round-Up: November 1, 2010
10 Over-The-Top Celebrity Costumes
Frisky asks is your costume is funny or sexy? Check the chart.
Nice find on /Film, a video of how to Build an Optimus Prime Costume For $5 Out of Used Cardboard Boxes. Looks pretty good too.
"Quentin Tarantino got into the spirit of Halloween by dressing as a Mexican wrestler and crashing a series of parties on a bus packed with hot women." Via.
dia de los muertos,
link round-up
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hermione Granger
"GPOY: Halloween costume edition" by Melissa Blackerby
harry potter,
Female Han Solo
"The whole shebang, blaster and all."
Source: Yo Must be Mistaken
The whole Greedo shooting off prematurely thing is suddenly starting to make sense.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Hit Girl
Tumblr user jro555 via NerdyGirlLove
I wish there was more information behind this one. Clearly, she put some serious effort into this photo set. It looks fantastic.
Silk Spectre
Meg ("Nymphet") of She is Legend
Source: NerdyGirlLove
Monday, November 1, 2010
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