Friday, April 12, 2013

Scissorman Ralph

Scissorman Ralph (from Clock Tower 3) by GT18
Photographed by Michele Albrigo at San Donà di Piave- Italy Oct 2012
"Slice, dice, and serve with rice. Among all of my costumes, Scissorman and Scissorwoman were truly challenging. I managed to make both of them, though. The only con, is that I can’t be both of them at the same time…but thanks to my cousin, the problem is solved!

It’s hard to find good reference pics of the twisted twins, so I decided to make a mix between artwork and CGI Models. There is still few work to do, but once I will be finished, I’ll be the happiest girl ever!"

"I feel really comfortable with Ralph, but I won’t say the same with Jemima (shoes…SHOES!!!).

Ralph is veeery funny to portray, and also, I love the muscle shirt I made for him (the idea is very simple, but it looks like the optical effect is really absurd!).

I don’t have biceps, though, but it happens that I am a girl, so…either I’ll find a way to make fake muscles, or amen with that.

I truly love Clock Tower 3. Soon or later, I hope we will gather a group featuring all the characters. Soon I will also portray Alyssa!"


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